Finger Tattoo | New vs Healed | Aftercare

We recently had a loss in the family and to honor this person, some of the family decided to get a tattoo of the title of his favorite song, in his handwriting which we got from one of his music books. The song is, of course, Let It Be by the Beatles.

Most people got the tattoo somewhere on their upper arm. I don’t have any more space up there, at least not any space that I felt would make sense considering my other tattoos. I’ve been wanting a finger tattoo for a long time so I felt that this was the perfect occasion. Don’t get me wrong, it took a long time to commit because if you’re unaware, finger tattoos are a HUGE gamble. Very often, they do not heal well. The ink will stick in some places and not in others. There are some real disaster cases online and this made me worried but I just had a YOLO moment. I put my worries aside and just went with it.

I want to document my finger tattoo journey for those who are interested in getting a tattoo in a similar location. Watch the video above where I talked about the process, my aftercare regime, and show you what the tattoo looks like once it is healed.

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