How to jack the Toyota Supra and put it on jack Stands

The new A90 Supra is one of those cars that actually needs a tutorial on how to jack it up and put it on jack stands because there seems to be some confusion.

Before we get started, I wanted to show you the jack and stand positions as indicated by Toyota in the official workshop manual. I’ve seen people argue about where you can and cannot jack from so here’s the official word from the manufacturer.

Let’s get started with jacking up the front. We’re going to first take a floor jack and position it towards the middle of the front lip. This isn’t absolutely necessary but when working with cars that sit lower, it’s a good idea to have a low profile jack. If you have some 2x4’s around or something that you can drive up on, this will also help with clearance and make it easier to see where to position the jack. If you’re going to jack up both the front and rear, start with the front as there is less clearance room. If you start at the rear, the front is going to dip forward, making it much harder to jack the front up. If you’re only jacking up one end, remember to place a wheel chock at the opposite end to help prevent the car from accident rolling.

Both the front and rear jack positions are essentially positioned between the wheels and are about 36” from either bumper. This means that unless you have an extremely long jack, you’re going to have to lower the jack handle all the way down and push the entire jack under the car.

At the front, we are going to position the jack at this circular indentation. Be sure to position at the indent with the bolt, not the black plastic oil pan cover. Once the jack is in place, it’s time to pump the handle and raise the car. Take note that because we had to lower the handle all the way down to fit under the car, there is going to be very little clearance to pump the handle. It’s only going to be able to move a few centimeters at a time. Just keep at it and the car will raise little by little. As the car raises, there will be more clearance room for the handle and everything will lift much quicker.

Once the car is at the appropriate height, we can take our jack stands and position them under the safety stand supports. The jack stand locations are indicated on the side skirts by little arrow markers. If you’re unaware, the Supra uses a support housing similar to many other BMW and Mini Coopers. This housing is plastic and can warp/deform if it is used improperly. To support my Supra, I use an adapter that attaches to my jack stands and fits perfectly into the hollow section of the plastic housing. If you’d like to learn more about this adapter, I’ve made a separate post dedicated to it. I highly suggest that you check that out and invest in the adapters as they are the best way to support the Supra that I’ve seen. After the jack stands are positioned properly under the plastic supports, it’s just a matter of lowering the floor jack and letting the Supra rest on the jack stands.

Let’s move on to the rear. The initial setup is going to be the same. We have to lower the jack handle all the way down and push the entire floor jack under the car. At the rear, we are going to be jacking up from the rear differential. This is very important. You want to jack up from the black portion of the diff, NOT from the silver fins. If you lift from the fins, there’s a good chance that they’ll be crushed under the weight and you’ll have to spend money on repairs. So remember, move the jack past the silver fins and jack up form the black section. Again because we have to lower the handle all the way down and because there’s little clearance, we’re going to have to do a bunch of micro pumps to get the lift started before there’s enough room to really pump the jack. When you’ve reached the desired height, position the jack stands under the stand supports and lower the jack.

And that’s it. The Supra is now properly seated on some jack stands. Not going to lie, this is a pretty tedious process and I would have to say that the A90 Supra is the most annoying car that I’ve ever had to put on jack stands. But once you understand the process, things go by pretty quickly. Just be sure to jack from the appropriate points so you don’t end up inflicting damage to your own car.

If you're considering buying any of the products mentioned, please support my work by using the links below.

Floor Jack
Torin BIG RED Double Locking Jack Stands T43002A
Toyota Supra / BMW / Mini Cooper Jack Stand Adapters:

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